Horseshoe Lake Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve |
Horseshoe Lake, a cool oasis high in the Santa Cruz mountains. | |
Near the shore, a large California Newt rises to the surface for a quick gulp of air. |
The trail loops around the lake, passes into forest shade, then climbs a small hill. |
Fence Lizards are a common sight along the trail to the lake. | |
Many different kinds of wildflowers edge the trail, including this non-native camomile. |
Winecup Clarkia can be seen blooming in several places. | |
Bright yellow Mariposa Lilies favor sunny hillsides (mid-May to mid-July). | |
Banks of Sticky Monkeyflower can be found in sheltered areas (April through July). |
Non-native Bird's Foot Lotus is common everywhere along the trail, an important nectar source for insects. |
Rock surfaces exposed to sun retain heat, creating a comfortable spot for cold-blooded reptiles to rest. |
In shaded areas, wildflowers like this Ocean Spray bloom (mid-July). | |
In the undergrowth beside the trail, the pink blush of the California Wild Rose (June-July). |
Along this same shaded avenue, Crimson Columbines brighten the path (June-July). |
Banks of Farewell-to-Spring Clarkia can be found blooming in sunny areas. | |
Skunkweed blooms June to September and edges the trail in drier areas. | |
This beautiful wildflower is Davy's Centaury. Look for it as the trail climbs uphill. |
And where there are wildflowers, there are butterflies feeding. | |
A Callippe Fritillary sips nectar from a buckeye flower (July). | |
A Mylitta Crescent perched on a camomile flower. | |
Newly emerged Chalcedon Checkerspot. Its wings still crumpled from confinement in its cocoon. |
A tiny Western Tailed Blue butterfly sips nectar from a camomile flower. | |
An Acmon Blue turns around slowly as it feeds. | |
This Acmon Blue thinks there may still be a little nectar left in this dried out Italian thistle. |
A Common Ringlet feeds on camomile. | |
During a visit 14 July, clouds of tiny Golden Hairstreaks danced along the trail's shaded avenues. |
More than a hint of autumn in the air. | |
Showy butterflies like this California Sister favor cool forests with water nearby. |
Numerous dragonflies patrol Horseshoe Lake in search of food. | |
Although exquisitely beautiful, dragonflies like this 8-Spotted Skimmer, are serious predators. |
A female 8-Spotted Skimmer pauses at the water's edge. | |
Dragonflies prey on small insects as well as on tiny mosquito fish, tadpoles and baby frogs. |
A magnificent Flame Skimmer pauses briefly before resuming flight. | |
Gripping a dry stalk, a Cardinal Meadowhawk balances effortlessly. | |
Cardinals' vivid color, streamlined body aids in identification. | |
Nearby, a Blue Dasher adopts a similar pose. | |
Blue Dasher's are distinguished from Western Pondhawks by their teal green-blue eyes and white faces. |
Smaller, less active, this female Widow Skimmer almost went unnoticed among the reeds. |
Watch for her close to the base of weeds along the shore. | |
As green as the surrounding foliage, a female Western Meadowhawk. | |
A pair of Tule/Arroyo Bluet damselflies in congress. | |
Bench near the lake is an ideal spot for observing dragonflies. | |
From here, the trail passes through a quarter mile of shaded forest avenues. | |
Then emerges into sunlight as the trail climbs a small hill above the lake. | |
A variety of wildflowers can also be found along this stretch of trail. | |
A Fence Lizard suns itself beside the trail. | |
As summer wears on, wildflowers and butterflies will fade away. Visit Horseshoe Lake soon. |
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More dragonflies? Visit Roop Pond. |