Light of Morn
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April 2020
Nature Never Disappoints
What a month it's been for our glorious California Poppies!
Our cup runneth over!
So many poppies!
So attractively arranged.
They certainly draw the eye.
With so few other wildflowers to photograph,
it was sorta like that old song: "Love the one you're with".
Our native pollinators certainly agreed.
Colorful Field Crescent draws the eye wherever it lands.
"Playing Havoc" in a field of gold.

April 2020
A 2020 "Spring Hug" to everyone!
April began with a bit of rain.
So I decided to practice a little maco photography.
Lichen communities like this one are fascinating.
For macro photography, I use a Canon 60mm lens and no tripod.
Instead of using a magnifying glass I prefer to take a picture.
Optimal 60mm lens range is about 6 inches. This shot was particularly challenging.

Entering a secret world.
Screened from view, a pair of Wood Ducks courting.
Mallard ducks have a variety of colors.
This male successfully attracted females last spring.
Perhaps the dark mallard seen this year is an offspring.
Pair of Snowy Egrets in Alamitos Creek.
Standing on one leg, fluffed up against the morning chill.
Nearby, a Great Blue Heron stood hunched over to conserve its body heat.
In his quest to "splash about", Havoc didn't see the snowy egrets or the heron.
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