Light of Morn
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Monterey Mushroom Hunt
17 January 1998
David with a foraging group on Fort Ord Public Lands.
Samples collected in a grove of coast live oaks.
David thumbs through the pages of his excellent field guide:
"All That The Rain Brings And More".
After Fort Ord, we foraged a while in Iris Canyon.
Impressive example of a Western Jack O'Lantern.
After the foray, collected mushrooms were
displayed for identification.
Everyone enjoyed examining the many specimens up close.
David fields a Fly Agaric question
from someone in the audience.
The day's pleasures included a feast prepared in a nearby park
by Monterey's nationally known TV Chef John Pisto.
The feast began with steaming cups
of deliciously thick mushroom soup.
One of David's close friends played tunes
for us on a small accordion.
We four - total strangers that morning - became fast friends.
What a perfect day -- and a most memorable experience!
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