Light of Morn
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Kirby Canyon & Coyote Ridge
11 Mar 09
New fence stile will facilitate wildflower viewing.
Near Kirby Canyon Trailhead Entrance.
Morning breezes set these Goldfields a-dancing.
A single poppy points the way up Kirby Canyon.
A Painted Lady warms up before taking flight.
Serpentine boulder encrusted with bright orange lichen.
A few early Cream Cups bloom midway up canyon.
In a few weeks this area will be a carpet of wildflowers.
An Anise Swallowtail dances across a Franciscian Wallflower.
Blue-eyed Gilia.
A sunny spot to warm itself.
Tall stalks, nodding heads, multiple blooms of a California Gilia.
By early afternoon, patches of bright Red Maids stained the hillsides.
A pair of Horned Larks.
Near the ridge top.
A pair of Goldfields.
A Lark Sparrow surveys the surrounding grasslands.
Note the distinctive markings on its head.
Distant view of Anderson Reservoir.
View along Poppy Alley.
Return to Top. Go to Coyote Ridge.