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Edith Morley Urban Park
4 July 2023
Park very quiet, very inviting. Glad I decided to visit.
"Havoc" was beside himself with excitement. He so enjoys this park.
The park's Oregon Grape shrubs were heavy with fruit.
Often found growing at old habitation sites. Has medicinal properties.
Mantilla Poppies like this one are also found at former homesteads.
Fast-growing shrub can reach tree size unless trimmed regularly.
Female Acmon Blue butterfly.
Pollinators like this native yellow-faced bumble bee were very active.
Pollen collected by bumble bees are to feed their young.
Lots of swallowtail butterflies nectar sipping from Buddleia tree blossoms.
Here, a Pale Swallowtail fends off advances from an Anis Swallowtail.
Waterway proved too inviting for Havoc. He just had to take a splash!

I had hoped to see some wildlife in the waterway corridor.

Birds noticeably absent, and I only saw this single damselfly basking.
The very definition of a "Sylvan Glade".
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