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Annual Mushroom Fair
San Francisco Mycological Society

Each December MSSF hosts an impressive mushroom fair.
MSSF members work hard to make each fair a success.
The fair features an extensive display of wild mushrooms.
And an emphasis on outreach education.
There are several connected rooms filled with mushroom displays.
Knowledgeable MSSF members staff the display rooms to answer questions.
These experts enjoy sharing their extensive knowledge of mushrooms and fungus.
Several interesting displays provide insights into the world of mushrooms.
Each mushroom on display is tagged with proper identification.
For those interested, details of the complexities of mushrooms are explained.
In addition, the various uses of wild mushrooms are explored
There's even an opportunity to take a liking to a lichen!
Historically, humans have been fascinated by the colorful Fly Agaric.
A fascination that proves fatal for those curious enough to experiment.
A member of the amanita family, it is extremely poisonous.
Click here for local mushroom forays.
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