Rancho San Vicente 7 May 2014 |
An old ranch road meanders through a series of tawny meadows. |
Serpentine seep ponds provide habitat for a variety of wildlife. |
A pair of mallards have made the seep pond their temporary home. |
Another seep pond, this one fed by a spring, is lined with bright yellow wildflowers. |
Seep-spring monkey flowers are often found growing near springs and ponds. |
Resting in the cool shade of an oak grove. |
Ithuriel spear, an early summer wildflower. |
A solitary male California quail acts as lookout for its flock. |
Power line towers march across the landscape. |
Golden Eagles often make their nests atop the towers. |
Golden yarrow, another sign of summer. |
Santa Clara Valley Dudleya and California poppies greet the morning sun. |
A serpentine endemic, Santa Clara Valley Dudleya in bloom. |
Santa Clara Valley Dudleya is listed as rare and endangered. |
White Mariposa Lily. |
Poppies, Creamcups, and Birds-Eye Gilia spill down a slope. |
California poppies. |
A single birds-eye gilia tossed by the wind comes to rest in a poppy. |
A spring wildflower, Birds-eye Gilia disappears with the advent of summer. |
An elderberry tree with blackberry bushes blooming at its feet. |
Formerly domestic, now wild, a honey bee gathers pollen from a blackberry blossom. |
A rusted out water trough. |
Early Spanish called the Valley Oak the "Weeping Oak" due to its drooping branches. In the distance, a bone-dry stock pond. |
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