Light of Morn
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Tule Elk, Coyote Ridge
3 Feb 09
Morning haze shrouds southern portion of Santa Clara Valley.
Clear skies above Coyote Ridge with
spring wildflowers to brighten the view.
Goldfields Common Muilla Wallflower
Tule Elk pause while awaiting 2-3 stragglers to rejoin the herd.
Lagging behind while grazing, a single elk cow
finds herself separated from the main herd.
Together the herd set off at a lope across
the ridgetop. Cattle wondered what's the fuss?
Then joined the galloping elk for a spring frolic.
Panting in their winter coats after exertion on so warm a day.
Tule Elk with Morgan Hill in background.
Outta here!  Herd lopes downhill towards
rangeland north of Anderson Reservoir.
Bright patches of lichen on outcrops of serpentine on Coyote Ridge.
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