Light of Morn
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Morning Has Broken
Early morning visit to Coyote Lake County Park.
While Mike dropped line in water,
I wandered around observing nature and picking up shoreline litter.
Nature's Altar: a collection of driftwood, rocks, leaf litter.
Morning has broken.
Amid the wonders, discovered a newly emerged Monarch Butterfly.
Watched as the sun's rays warmed it.
Ever so slowly it unfolded its wings.
Intermittingly extending, beating its wings, gathering strength for the day.
Coyote Lake is very popular with those who fish for sport and for the table.
Practicing "catch and release", take a deep breath and hold it as you
remove the fish from the water. To avoid brain damage to the fish,
you must return it to the water as you exhale.
Use the Mendoza Ranch entrance to access a trail
or to explore or fish Roop Pond.
Roadside view of barns at adjacent Harvey Bear Ranch County Park.
For more information on our beautiful county parks, visit: Park Here!
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