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Pastures of Heaven
January 2002
Early morning solitude.
Frozen ground crunched beneath my feet.
Deadfall oak
enameled with snow.
Looking northeast towards Morgan Hill,
traces of snow in the far pasture.
Layer of snow on fallen log.
Looking northwest towards San Jose, IBM Research facility on left.
The snow lingered
in deep shade.
The City of San Jose once planned to
build a highway through here.
Collage of seasonal colors.
Lichen boulder blind. Young oaks,
like startled deer, seemed to flee before me.
All traces of snow soon melted. Only the far mountains kept their mantle of white.
(Alas! Tall oak at right has since fallen.)
Once farmland, then a golf course, now farmland once again.
What the future holds for this view is a sprawling industrial park.
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