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Kitchen Rock Petroglyphs, June 2010
Kitchen Rock Petroglyphs site is a jumble of volcanic boulders on the west side of Fish Slough Canyon.
It's a heavily weathered area where exposed rock has been scoured by wind and water for millennia.
Exploring the site, you may find yourself wondering where are the petroglyphs?
View south-west towards Bishop and Hwy 395.
Examples of weathered volcanic rock.
There are a handful of stone archways at the site.
Arriving a little after 9AM, we had the site entirely to ourselves.
At the opposite end of the site, a small group of petroglyphs.
Not sure why these boulders appear darker than others in the area.
Their dark composition helps accentuate these carvings. Perhaps that's why they were chosen.
At first these were the only petroglyphs we found at the site.
An unusual table-like rock sculpted by the elements.
Over thousands of years the combined forces of wind and water have worn away this boulder.
Turning to leave, noticed a few of petroglyphs on this dark volcanic rock.
Its far side was entirely covered with petroglyphs.
And beneath its protective, overhanging edge, five mortar holes.

We'd been at the site an hour, the sun had climbed and it was very hot.

Sitting beneath the overhanging rock, this work area would have remained cool.
Note: At no time do I touch or tread upon petroglyphs. I use a variety of telephoto lens to capture images.  
The deepest of these mortar holes was less than 3".
There are additional mortar holes at this site. Look for them on the low plateau directly behind these boulders.
Kitchen Rock Petroglyph site looking north east. The White Mountains are seen in the distance.
Here are links to other Fish Slough petroglyph sites: Chidago, Red Canyon, Chalfant
For more information visit:   Fish Slough Area of Critical Environmental Concern
Recommended reading:
"A Guide to Rock Art Sites in Southern California and Southern Nevada" by David S. Whitney
and "Coso Rock Art, a New Perspective" by Elva Younkin
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