Light of Morn
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Red Canyon Petroglyphs, June 2010
Ancestors of present day Owens Valley Paiute
carved these symbols +/- 1,500 years ago.
Fantastical bird image and a scorpion are among
the images on this panel high on the rock face.
Panel in foreground appears have stick figures,
whirlwinds and snake symbols carved on it.
A chain of diamonds is believed to represent the rattlesnake.
Panel includes zig-zag lines too.

Note: At no time do I touch or tread upon petroglyphs.
I use a variety of telephoto lens to capture images.
Panel in foreground appears badly weathered.
Two bighorn sheep are depicted in the upper left corner.
As at Chidago Petroglyphs, scholars believe
these images were carved by shaman.
Rock face engraved with straight and zigzag lines,
bisected circles, and a single left footprint.
Exploring the site, found a small area carved with symbols.
Small hand and feet prints are believed
to represent supernatural water beings.
These three sets of petroglyphs appear to be carved by the same hand.
The Red Canyon site is a wonderful place to explore.
The rock outcropping extends several hundred feet
and is broken in a few places.
A small group of petroglyphs close to the ground.
A sunwheel, zigzag snake symbol, bird tracks.
High on a narrow ledge.
Some distance off the ground with no place to stand to carve these symbols.
Left side of the Red Canyon petroglyph site
with White Mountains in the distance.
Wandering around taking photos,
chanced upon this unusual looking snake.
At first we thought it was some kind of desert whip-tail snake.
However, a reptile expert confirmed this is a Desert Patched-Nose snake.
We saw a few rabbits, voles, mice, plus
this Western Zebra Tailed Lizard warming itself on a rock.
This Great Basin Whiptail Lizard was also trying to warm itself.
For more information on our native reptiles and amphibians, visit:
There are more Red Canyon Petroglyphs than are shown here.
East, across the road is another section.
Follow these links to petroglyph sites nearby: Kitchen Rock, Chidago, Chalfant
For more information visit:   Fish Slough Area of Critical Environmental Concern
Recommended reading:
"A Guide to Rock Art Sites in Southern California
and Southern Nevada" by David S. Whitney
and "Coso Rock Art, a New Perspective" by Elva Younkin
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